Somatic Mosaicism across Human Tissues (SMaHT) Network Associate Membership Policy

Version 1.1 – Dated April 14, 2024

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I. Introduction

The Somatic Mosaicism across Human Tissues (SMaHT) Network aims to transform our understanding of how somatic mosaicism in human cells influences biology and disease.

Associate Members of the SMaHT Network are qualified individuals eligible to participate in all aspects of the SMaHT Network. They are non-voting members and are not directly funded by the NIH SMaHT Network program.

II. Associate Member Expectations

Associate Members are expected to contribute to the research goals of the network, which are listed below.

  • A catalog of somatic variants in select tissues from diverse human donors
  • Innovative sequencing tools and analysis methods that optimize variant detection
  • SMaHT data workbench seamlessly integrates with current tools to study DNA sequences, like genome browsers, and combines analysis of somatic variation with the current human genome
  • Fundamentally new ways of understanding the contribution of somatic variation to human biology through the development of new technologies, analysis methods, and extensive datasets

Associate members must abide by all SMaHT policies, including data sharing, publication, and software policies. More specifics about Associate Membership can be found below:

  • The Network welcomes the participation of all additional academic, industry partners, and non-profit organizations.
  • Associate Members are expected to actively participate and make meaningful contributions to the research goals of the SMaHT network.
  • Associate membership does not directly or indirectly imply a commitment to funding by the NIH.
  • Collaborating with SMaHT does not mean the NIH’s endorsement of the product or the collaborator. Associate Members will not have exclusive agreements with the SMaHT network for any activity they undertake as part of their involvement.
  • SMaHT expects all Associate Members to abide by the SMaHT code of conduct and policies.
  • Associate Members must not disclose confidential information obtained from other members of the Network and fully participate in SMaHT Network activities.
  • At any time, an Associate Member may ask to leave the SMaHT network. The Associate Member is expected to honor the confidentiality of any information obtained during membership as appropriate through standard research collaboration practices.
  • Associate Members must provide an annual update to the SMaHT Network describing activities that contributed to the Network’s goals.

III. Application Process

All those who want to apply for SMaHT Associate Member status must have a letter of support from an existing member of the SMaHT network. A list of SMaHT awardees can be found on the SMaHT NIH website. They must also complete and return the SMaHT Associate Membership Information Sheet to the SMaHT Organizational Center ( along with a current CV and a research description at most one page long. The research description must describe specific proposed contributions and how these contributions will contribute to the SMaHT Network’s goals. Particular examples of these contributions would include, but are not limited to, the development of unique assays for data generation, analysis approaches, and/or Working Groups you will participate in.

Once received, the Organization Center will review the application for completeness. Complete applications will be sent to the SMaHT Executive Committee for an administrative review. The SMaHT Executive Committee will present applications that contribute significantly to the goals of the SMaHT Network to the SMaHT Steering Committee for a final review.

The current members of the SMaHT Executive Committee are Amy Lossie, NIH; Richard Conroy, NIH; Mehrnoosh Ahmadi, NIH; Dena Procaccini, NIH; Ting Wang, Organizational Center, Washington University; Heather Lawson, Organizational Center, Washington University; Richard Gibbs, Genome Characterization Center, Baylor College of Medicine and Kristin Ardlie, Genome Characterization Center, Broad Institute. Members of the Executive Committee may rotate, and when they do, the Organizational Committee will update this list. The final Associate Membership decision is subject to NIH approval.

Associate Members will be asked to abide by the network-wide policies (such as publications and data-sharing policies) established by SMaHT and provide a short written statement about their work annually. The SMaHT Executive Committee will review associate member status and activities annually.

IV. List of Associate Members

A list of current Associate Members will be maintained by the Organizational Center on the SMaHT website.